1. Ted and Julia


    Gosh, it just seems to be never ending..?? I can’t begin to understand what stress and anxiety you all are feeling. Know for sure we continue to pray for the light at the end of the tunnel..!!! Love and positive thoughts to you..!! Thank goodness for the easier time for this biopsy. Renee deserves some relief. Hugs to all.

  2. Fred and Charline Hay


    So thankful for the gains of no pain, possibility of decreasing meds, no platelets to two days, a hemoglobin of 8.1!!! Yay! Praying that the results of the biopsy will be sooner rather than later. The waiting is so tough! You are all loved! ❤🤗



    Sounds like you are over the hump and it’s cruisin’ all the way now. XXOO So happy to hear good results.

  4. Janet


    I really can’t believe all that has happened so quickly! Super happy you have a great team at Memorial.

  5. Laural Mullen


    More than anything, I’m praising God that you and Renee (like Paul and Silas) are finding ways to rejoice through the trials. I’m praying for a restful weekend.

  6. Evelyn Smith


    This all seems like pretty good news. Praying for continued good news and lack of pain.
    Katie, thanks so much for doing this blog. It is nice to see the progress. 🙏

  7. Lee Brandt


    Good news today, great news tomorrow. You will totally recover. I just know it.

  8. Beth Richardson


    Happy for y’all to have good news to share! It’s a journey that tests all of your strength and courage. You are doing an admirable job! Sending love and hugs. I am not religious but I was raised in the Christian Science church. The one thing that sticks in my mind (that I will probably misquote) and my brother carried with him through Vietnam is “Remember, thou canst be brought into a condition, be it ever so severe, where God’s love has not been before thee and where it’s tender lesson is not awaiting thee. Therefore despair not, for that which seeketh to save, to heal, and to deliver, will guide thee”. We all want so much for you to win this battle/this war. Big hug, Beth (just finished 9 days on Sapelo – my new record – I could get use to that) .

  9. Fiona Wenman


    Praise the Lord! All our love prayers and thoughts are with you all from Norfolk UK established and new family!

  10. Tami


    Continued prayers for all! The updates are so appreciated as we pray daily for Renee that she be healed and spared pain as much as possible. I don’t understand why you are facing this journey but I do know that you are covered in prayers and love from friends and family near and far. Trusting in our Lord for healing and strength! Love y’all!!

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