line drawing of a kid peeking underneath something, looking for space

Finding the In-Between: Words of Advice for the Busy Creative

I won’t take much of your time. Because you’re probably busy. You “have a life” that includes demands like bills, housework, groceries, jobs, kids, caregiving, schoolwork… the list could go on. And somewhere in the madness, you try to squeeze in your own creative ventures. Well. Maybe “try” is a hard word. I know how…

line drawing of woman with glasses writing on notebook paper, with words "writerly thoughts"

Being a Writer who sets goals… and keeps them.

New Year’s Resolutions. Could we have a more stereotypical first post of the year topic, please? Maybe. But you’re going to get this one anyway. Until recently, such giant year-long goals had very little appeal to me. I liked to think that if I wanted to do something, I’d be motivated enough to get it…

Marveling at the Tree Line: An End-of-Year Reflection

As the year closes, many of us are reflecting on 2022—the things we did and the things we should’ve done or wanted to do but didn’t. This is going to be a bit of a ramble, but stick with me. I won’t take much of your time. Morgan Harper Nichols—an artist, poet, and one of…

black line drawing of a toddler 'reading' a sign with a stick, with text "the stick & the sign, a short story"

The Stick & the Sign

The stroller rumbled along the brick walkway. The ride was bouncy, sproingy, a bit topply and tumbly. Especially whenever Mama said, “Oop!” or breathed in through the back of her teeth. It made Rory’s red bottle cap jump into the air and fall back down onto his tray with a clatter and clack and kck-kck-kllll….

Bluey’s “Bin Night”: Doing Work in the Details

One of my family’s favorite TV shows right now is Bluey, a cartoon by ABC Kids (Australia). Its high energy characters, colorful animation, and catchy opening dance sequence capture my daughter’s (limited) attention. My husband and I enjoy it just as much as she does, especially whenever Bluey and Bingo’s parents are around. Each episode…