line drawing of katie speaking behind a podium with one hand on her hip, the other hand raised

Setting the Room Ablaze: Tips for Reading as a Writer

This is something I’ve been sitting on for a while: Hillfire Anthology, Vol. II is finally out! Hillfire Press Edinburgh is a collective of writers, publishers, designers and team players. We find our roots in the Creative Writing, MSc. at the University of Edinburgh. Though we’ve scattered across the globe since graduation, we remain dedicated…

line drawing of a kid peeking underneath something, looking for space

Finding the In-Between: Words of Advice for the Busy Creative

I won’t take much of your time. Because you’re probably busy. You “have a life” that includes demands like bills, housework, groceries, jobs, kids, caregiving, schoolwork… the list could go on. And somewhere in the madness, you try to squeeze in your own creative ventures. Well. Maybe “try” is a hard word. I know how…

Marveling at the Tree Line: An End-of-Year Reflection

As the year closes, many of us are reflecting on 2022—the things we did and the things we should’ve done or wanted to do but didn’t. This is going to be a bit of a ramble, but stick with me. I won’t take much of your time. Morgan Harper Nichols—an artist, poet, and one of…

Is It Worth It? A letter to the wondering writer

Dear Wondering Writer, I see you. Sitting at your desk again. Cross-legged on the window seat. Under your favorite tree, or perhaps in it, your toes hooked around the branch to bring balance your precarious body. You’re staring again. At the screen. The page. The ether. Wondering. I’ve been where you are. I’m sure I’ll…

Bluey’s “Bin Night”: Doing Work in the Details

One of my family’s favorite TV shows right now is Bluey, a cartoon by ABC Kids (Australia). Its high energy characters, colorful animation, and catchy opening dance sequence capture my daughter’s (limited) attention. My husband and I enjoy it just as much as she does, especially whenever Bluey and Bingo’s parents are around. Each episode…